
The lure and the lore of gemstones predates any written history.

From the earliest times in man's history gem and precious stones have been held in great esteem. THey have been found in the monuments of prehistoric peoples, and not alone the civilization of the Pharohs, of the Incas, or of the Montezumas invested these brilliant things from Nature's jewel casket with a significance beyond the mere suggestion of their intrinsic properties.
— George Frederick Kunz

Many believe that gemstones possess qualities that can influence our physical and emotional well-being. Below are some the gemstones used in our jewelry and their potential benefits.

agate, moss

Moss Agate is a member of the Quartz family and not technically an Agate as it is not banded. It's color can range clear to milky white to green with dendritic inclusions that resemble moss. Occasionally, the crystal may appear dark green and may include red spots.

Moss Agate is thought to be calming and strengthening, providing balance physically and emotionally.


Amethyst is a member of the Quartz family. It's appearance ranges from a light to dark purple and maybe translucent to transparent. The color is due to trace elements of iron and aluminium and can fade in tone if overexposed to light sources.

Amethyst is linked to spiritual protection and purification and is helpful in clearing negative and addictive patterns.

aventurine, purple

Purple Aventurine is a type of the Quartz. Adventurine comes in many colors, green, blue, pink, brown, etc. The colors are determined by the inclusion of other minerals are the colors influence the metaphysical properties.

Purple Aventurine would be associated with stabilizing emotions, promote motivation and a clear path in life.


Dumortierite, when referring to the gemstone, is actually dumortierite quartz. A blue colored quartz that contains the nesosilicate, Dumortierite. The quartz version is a rich blue color and sometimes used as imitation lapis lazuli.

Dumortierite is most commonly associated with enhancing organizational and vocalization skills as well as and decluttering and honing ones thought processes. It is also thought to provide strength when faced with chronic illness as it can aid in the release of toxins.

jade, kunlun

Kunlun Jade, also known as Qinghai Jade, is a variety of Nephrite Jade. It is primarily composed of varying proportions of actinolite and tremolite. This composition gives results in the green/pale green/white coloring.

Jade of all types is considered a protective stone, especially against illness and psychic protection.

jasper, brecciated

Brecciated Jasper is a member of the Chalcedony family and a variety of microcrystalline quartz. It is primarily composed of oxidized iron and silicon dioxide.

Brecciated Jasper is said to be a stone of protection and grounding. It is believed to inspire happiness, positive attitudes, motivation, and creativity. It is thought to deflect negativity and increase energy, especially in times of sickness and fatigue. It is also said to encourage empathy and communication with animals and help with animal allergies.

jasper, red/yellow

Red and Yellow Jasper is a member of the Chalcedony family and a variety of microcrystalline quartz.

Red and Yellow Jasper are both considered extremely protective stones and help to calm nerves and emotions. Red Jasper is associated with dream recall, aura stabilization, and strengthening and detoxifying the circulatory system, blood and liver. Yellow Jasper is thought to aid in stomach and digestive system disorders.


Labradorite is a feldspar mineral. Typically gray/green/blue in color and mostly transparent, it can display an iridescent optical effect known as labradorescence.

Labradorite is considered to a stone with strong magical influence. It can aid healing and releasing negative behaviors.

labradorite, blue

Blue Labradorite, also known as Larvikite, is a type of fieldspar. It's coloring is gray and black background and chatoyant gray-blue flash.

Blue Labradorite is thought to increase self confidence and creativity. It may also stimulate intellect and rational decision making.

obsidian, Black

Black Obsidian is not a true mineral but a naturally occurring volcanic glass. Iron and magnesium typically give the obsidian a dark brown to black color.

Black Obsidian is typically associated with grounding, psychic cleansing, spiritual protection, and for healing the mind, soul and body.

obsidian, mahogany

Mahogany Obsidian, like Black Obsidian, is a naturally occurring volcanic glass and not a true mineral. While more brown than black, the brown color is due higher iron content.

Mahogany Obsidian is typically associated with psychic protection, dispelling negative thoughts, creativity, detoxifcation, and supporting liver and kidney functions.


Onyx refers to layered or banded stones that exhibit different colors in multiple layers. It is a variety of silicate chalcedony. Although it is most common to be a multilayered black and white stone, the colors of the bands can range in color.

Onyx is associated with dispelling negativity, good fortune and judgement, soothing nervousness and increasing or restoring confidence.


Serpentine is categorized as a group and are usually greenish, brownish, or spotted minerals commonly found in serpentinite rocks.

Serpentine is linked to clearing blocked energies as well as embracing change and releasing fear of transformation.


Sodalite is a tectosilicate mineral and member of the sodalite group. It's royal blue coloring is usually transparent to translucuent and can be mottled with white veins and patches.

Sodalite is thought to help with communication as it is associated with the throat chakra. It is said to bring balance between the creative and logical mind and promote peace and harmony. Also know as the Poet's Stone, Sodalite is beneficial for writers.

tiger eye

Tiger's Eye is a chatoyant gemstone and a type of quartz. Its parallel arrangement of extremely fine fibres and golden to red-brown color gives Tiger's Eye a unique appearance.

Tiger's Eye is most commonly associated with balance, creativity, clarity, and general vitality. It allows drawing on one's inner strength.

tiger iron

Tiger iron is primarily a chatoyant gemstone made up of different layers of tiger's eye, red jasper, and black hematite.

Tiger iron combines many of the properties of tiger's eye, jasper and hematite. It is believed to bring out creative and artistic abilities as well as relieve exhaustion and emotional/mental stress. It is associated with stimulating vitality and strengthing muscles.
